Receive quality feedback for continuous improvement
When it applies
Every time a new product, service, channel, campaign, material, tool, app, project, initiative, strategic or transformation plan, is launched... Or you want to evaluate a current one. Also to assess starting situations. Prototypes (minimum viable products) or final deliverables. To assess the performance of departments, people, work groups. To gather opinions and suggestions for improvement from salespeople, employees, end customers or other relevant stakeholders. On a recurring or ad-hoc basis. When what is sought is to help the people responsible for an initiative improve, not so much to evaluate them.
Problem it solves
Transformation is forcing the launch of multiple initiatives that, at the time of launch, tend to differ from what is really needed. Much more feedback is needed, but the reality is that we still request and give very little.
It usually focuses on people and their 360º performance, when really we should ask for it in many other areas.
The medium used is usually the anonymous survey: this method, being individual, can generate as much collective intelligence as stupidity, since it does not allow deliberation among participants nor with whom requests it.
When done face-to-face, important biases are generated.
Face-to-face or feedback via survey is perceived more as an evaluation than as a way of improvement; It is not encouraged and the deliverables do not have the impact they should.
Added value by delibera
The feedback template facilitates gathering opinions with effectiveness and agility, facilitating communication between participants and who requests the feedback, promoting a culture of continuous improvement.
Getting “insights” (quantitative and qualitative) from large groups, in a very short period of time (a few days)
Reducing the effort needed to do so
Avoiding biases
Making interpretation and synthesis easier; guiding the actions needed for improvement
Measuring and recognizing collaboration
Continuously improving everything that is set in motion, promoting collaboration and accelerating transformation.
Traditional surveys can have as much collective intelligence as stupidity, continuous improvement requires quality inputs
AS IS: Survey
To evaluate
There is no dialogue between those who ask and those who give feedback
They can be scary
For end customer
Useful/necessary for final products/ fact checking/ mass reviews
TO BE: Collaborative conversation
To improve
Interactive dialogue with representative groups for continuous improvement
Perceived as valuable
Internal client
Sequence of templates to receive quality feedback for continuous improvement
Choose initiatives to evaluate
New products, services, channels, campaigns, events, documents, initiatives, tools…
Get feedback
Key templates in this use
Evaluate issues that came up in the feedback
New feedback
Extend or ensure proper closer
Ad-hoc or recurringly
Overall assessment, % of approvals and disapprovals, willingness to continue, positive aspects and suggestions for improvement, assessment of specific aspects
Improve, pivot, reinvent or discontinue initiatives or situations
Ask for feedback again and measure progress
Alternative templates to ask for feedback on certain specific occasions
Continuous improvement with greater customer orientation
© Copyright delibera 2024. All rights reserved.
Success cases
The CEO of a leading global insurance company uses the delibera feedback template to assess the potential of its different commercial channels, aligning the leadership team and other key people in the diagnosis and actions required, making key decisions for a more effective omnichannel organization.
The Head of Digital Transformation of a leading global bank uses the delibera feedback template to assess the reception of the Robots/RPAs launched, after a substantial investment. They had generated a lot of noise among users and in a short period of time, adjustments are identified and changes made, bringing much higher levels of satisfaction.
The Commercial Manager of an electricity company in collaboration with the marketing department gets feedback of a key value-added service for the income statement. In one week, 57 improvements are identified, with the inputs of more than 100 salespeople.
The Head of Marketing and Communication of a third sector entity with more than 80,000 people between employees and collaborators, uses the delibera feedback template to evaluate the usefulness of manuals and other key material to guide social action.